Landgasthof Sonneneck, Nordstraße 17, 06895 Zahna-Elster OT Listerfehrda

Terms and Conditions „Landgasthof Sonneneck“ Listerfehrda

1. Validity of Conditions

These Terms and Conditions (GTC) apply to all contracts entered into with the above hotel, where they meet the characteristics of the T & C Act. They can be replaced by negotiated in individual terms. These terms and conditions vary considerably and generally visible from the hotel and the guest or client agreements with separately given.

2. Completion of the accommodation contract

Whichever is the applicable price list, the rate and spec sheets. Moreover, services and rates are subject to change. The guest contract (contract for accommodation) can occur in writing, orally, by telephone or by estoppel about. The conclusion of the accommodation contract commits both parties to fulfill the contract, does not matter how long the contract completed on.

3. Booking

Are rooms or other services (such as shuttle service) reserved on an optional basis, the option data binding for both parties. After the expiry of the agreed option period is above hotels have without talking about the free option of reserved rooms and services.
Booked and confirmed by the hotel rooms are available on day of arrival and on departure day from 15:00 clock to 11:00 clock. The hotel is entitled to rooms booked after 19:00 am Ankuftstag Clock awarded otherwise, unless a later arrival time has been agreed.

4. Price changes

Agreed prices are subject to contract on the part of the hotel will be changed according to the then-current price list, if the period between conclusion and performance of individual performance is more than 4 months.

5. Payment Terms

The bills are, unless expressly stated other payment terms are agreed to immediately access the account without any deductions and payable in cash. Late payment of an invoice with just the right hotel discontinue all further and future services for the guest. A prerequisite is that the hotel does the warning notice issued by a deadline and having regard to these consequences. If the invoice amount Euro 200, - or keeps the host for more than 6 days in the hotel, the hotel is entitled to make out an interim and to require the payment by the guest.

6. Advances

The hotel can, without notice any order taking, any reservation or other service to continue to run or is the whole or partial payment of the estimated amount due in advance and made subject in the form of deposits, payments or total payments.

7. Cancellations, Cancellation Conditions

In cases of cancellation of bookings by the guest or non-use of the services of hotel services, the ordered and reserved, but not accepted by the host, (but offered by the hotel, inbes. contractual services for the lodging of guests) to Packages will be incurred by the hotel the guest is calculated:
· Including cancellation between 30th and including the 15th Day before the provision of the benefits:
Calculation of 40% of ordered / booked services
· Including cancellation between 14th and including 8th Day before the provision of the benefits:
Calculation of 60% of ordered / booked services
· Including cancellation between 7th and including 3rd Day before the provision of the benefits:
Calculation of 80% of ordered / booked services
· Cancellation within 48 hours before providing the requested services:
Calculation of 100% of ordered / booked services.
The cancellation policy will be reduced by the amounts that the subletting of the canceled rooms or recalculation of the benefits are achieved on the ordered / booked appointment by the hotel. The above cancellation charges may apply even if the ordered / booked services were only partially reversed by the score, but those packages that relate to the portion of benefits, which was canceled, or if the guest without the explicit cancellation of the ordered / booked services does not avail.

8. Liability

For the liability of the hotels to be § 701-703 of the Civil Code. Liability for other reasons is excluded unless the damage was caused by the hotel, whose legal representatives or vicarious agents intentionally or through gross negligence.

9. Miscellaneous

a) is in the public areas of the hotel, unless otherwise agreed to prohibit the eating of own meals and drinks.
b) The headings are only for convenience only and have no substantive significance, especially not to a conclusion.
c) For the conditions and all legal terms between the hotel and the guest is the law of the Federal Republic of Germany.
d) Jurisdiction is that the location of the hotel responsible official or district court.

10. Cancellation of bookings

The hotel has justified cause to believe that the guest's smooth operations, security or reputation of the hotel is liable to compromise, and (in the case of force majeure such as fire, strike, etc.), the hotel may cancel any reservation without having to be required to indemnify and to proceed according to the rules for cancellation in accordance with Paragraph 7 and to require a cancellation fee.

Listerfehrda 01.01.2008